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What is Hand Surgery?

Offices in Springfield and Monett, Misouri

Thank you for visiting our website. Whether you are a current or prospective patient and would like to learn more about our practice, or you are simply inquiring about common hand conditions and treatments, we hope you find the information that you read here useful.

If you live in the Springfield/Southwest Missouri region and you are currently affected by an injury or other problem of the arm, elbow, forearm, wrist, or hand, you are invited to follow the contact link if you would like to pursue further evaluation and treatment.

For existing patients of our practice, please explore the links at left to access information pertaining to your specific condition. If you cannot find your topic of interest, please notify us through the contact link, as we strive to maintain this site with the material that is most useful to our patients.




The information presented throughout this website is intended for informational purposes only, and is subject to the disclaimer and terms of use. The author's provision of this material in no way constitutes professional medical advice, treatment, or establishment of a physician-patient relationship. Proceeding beyond this page implies that the user has read, understands, and agrees to the terms expressed in the disclaimer.

DVR Plate


Lat Dorsi Flap

Choosing a Hand Surgeon

Anatomy & Function

Hand Conditions & Treatments

Patient Information Forms










The Bone & Joint Center

Ferrell-Duncan Clinic

3555 S. National Ave.

Springfield, MO 65807

(417) 875-3800


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